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  • There are many important factors involved when deciding to purchase an aircraft. Identifying the main objectives of an individual or corporation is paramount. Our team of experienced aviation experts understands the needs of our clients. When selecting and sourcing the right aircraft, our team focuses on a number of components.
  • Choosing the most suitable aircraft type. There are so many variables involved, including environmental considerations, fuel consumption, cargo requirements, preferred LOPAs, age limiting factors and basic client requirements. Understanding this broad range of issues is crucial.
  • Analyzing market trends. Aviation is constantly changing. As it evolves, it is important to know how this will affect future values and returns. Understanding the nuances and being able to evaluate accordingly is imperative to a successful transaction.
  • Knowledge of market availability is crucial. Globe Jet has trusted contacts worldwide.
  • Evaluation of aircraft specifications and aircraft inspections. Globe Jet’s team consists of maintenance and airframe specialists whose ability to analyze each aircraft’s specs is invaluable.
  • Contract negotiations. Globe Jet brings years of experience to each negotiation and we are able to not only facilitate the transaction but also advise on regulatory implications and industry standards.